Our Projects - Brazil - Flying Swans

Exploring business opportunities in Ceará

Brazil is one of the world's largest exporters of fresh fruit. Due to the economy's importance for Dutch fresh produce traders, it is a logical place to get involved for Flying Swans. In 2022, Flying Swans are conducting a Business Opportunity Scan in Brazil in order to identify projects where Flying Swans can add the most value for Dutch business and SDG impact. The initial focus of this scan will lie in the Ceará region, which is the most important region of the country for fruit production. 

Within the Ceará region, Flying Swans partner Port of Rotterdam has acquired a controlling stake in a new major port development in Pecém (see birds-eye view above). In order to identify the best ways to sustainably connect this port to the agriculturally rich hinterland and create comeptititve advantages for Dutch importers, Port of Rotterdam also advised Flying Swans to conduct the Business Opportunity Scan.